Dramatis Personae
Beltin (Aasimar Dirge Bard/Cleric 9).
Bradley Weatherby (Human Dervish Dancer 9/Knife Master Rogue 7/Duelist 2).
Johann Kressmann (Hobgoblin Barbarian/Paladin 9). ABSENT PLAYER
Veldi (Drow Oracle/Sorcerer 9).
"Jake" (Human? Wizard/Rogue 9). Still unsure on race and name because I'm a bad DM.
Phox's replacement, otherwise known as the PC that will probably be dead before the end of session 10 (Human? Sorcerer (Sage)/Wizard 9). Unsure of name and race as player kept the sheet to finalize for next session, but given the lessons history has taught us, it may soon become unimportant. Anyway, Phox 2 is a freelance wizard that is mere months away from his retirement. In order to get the mad moniz before that he has decided to come to the Desolation and join in the big adventuring boom in the area. He will probably be retiring earlier than he expected to his, and only his, surprise. But who knows, he may go the distance and live his twilight years on the beach somewhere... Nah, he's totally screwed.
Unnamed future BW victim (Human Fighter/Rogue/Shadowdancer/Something 9). A temporary character for a temporary player who was invited to join in because Johann's dude was indisposed at game time. Originally wanted to play a Kender (because he's that guy) but decided not to after the Camp is the kind of place where normal citizens torture and murder people who steal from them. Decided to make a human and DM provided why he was there to fit him in quickly and easily. He's a freelancer from Bard's Gate sent by a client to acquire a certain Dwarven artifact that is supposed to be in a subterranean command post used during the war; a command post that is now the home of a nest of horrifying arachnid horrors! Dun dun dun.
Obligatory giant spider adventure, Session 9.2 - 7/5/14
Walking, walking, still walking, but what's that in the distance? Through the haze the party makes out what appears to be some sort of massive hole ahead (insert innuendo if necessary). Looks like a spider lair, whatever those are supposed to look like, thinks the party and they advance. They get closer and see the ground steeply drops off down to a hole about 20 feet across that seems to lead into some sort of infinite abyss of both time and space. No ones knows what could possibly slumber in its depths or where it leads. It could be a portal to hell or the darkness between worlds for all the party knows. The enormity of all they don't know and can't possibly know descends upon the party and the burden of such un-knowledge holds them paralyzed. The pit consumes 1d6 adventurers per round.
Or more accurately, a light spell on a pebble thrown down the pit shows ground about 60 feet down, and an bloody skeleton is pushed down a couple seconds later to see what happens. It splats and then stands up. Nothing. With that settled the party gets ready to head down with Jake providing a teleportation taxi service and the undead plummeting. But before they can begin:
"Hail, travelers!"
A merchant of some kind, seemingly lost in the Desolation approaches them... and the party gets ready to kill as it is in the Desolation. Jake immediately teleports behind him and puts his sword at the man's spine and demands to know who he is. The merchant is in fact the unnamed future BW victim, disguised with his Hat of Disguise or something similar. Why? Because. He had watched the party approach the spider den, the place where his goal rests, a fist sized gem with some sort of vaguely defined and totally situational magic, as per the book. Seeing they weren't obviously monsters (though they had undead) he decided to step out disguised and travel with them long enough to steal the thing he wanted, figuring the party would be receptive to helping a lost traveler. Hahaha.
Future Victim ignores Jake and addresses the party and BW immediately thinks he's a trade consortium agent, and they and he don't necessarily see eye to eye nowadays... and they would certainly know he was here if his new friend Marcus was setting him up. FV tells the party he was looking for an item on behalf of a client from Bard's Gate (another red flag for BW). BW asks who he works for and FV, knowing it's more than his life is worth to give away such details, names the first rich person in Bard's Gate who is not his client that he can think of: Pep Siton, an NPC named by looking at the drinks on the table as the DM was taught is the proper protocol by DM BW. BW knows the name and points out that Pep Siton deals in art, not artifacts and says he finds it suspicious. Things escalate and initiative is rolled.
FV, built all for mobility and shit, smacks Jake with the butt of his short sword, dealing 1d6+2 nonlethal damage. Jake is supremely not concerned. BW cuts FV in response, non-non-lethally. FV moves away and BW and Jake engage him while the others watch. Getting tired of the show, one of the casters decides to Hold Person FV to stop the fight. He makes it. More fighting with FV clearly being outclassed; Jake decides to try one more Hold Person and if it doesn't work decides to just go for the kill and end it. FV fails. Lucky for him. The party ties him up and takes his stuff away before he breaks free of the paralysis and then they have another conversation.
By then the Disguise Self was shattered and everyone knew what he really looked like. They come to an agreement as only PCs can for other PCs joining the party, in that FV could join and help and even most likely get the thing he was after (and he might have actually believed them, hahaha), but if he ran away from them the party would murder his ass and take his stuff. He agrees and FV joins the party. Yay.
Down the hole they go! Once they are down the party realizes they had come through a hole in a dome over some sort of large subterranean hall. Dwarven by the look of it. Darkness in every direction and only a small circle of light from Light leaves them with the unknown in every direction... except for those with dark vision. Veldi steps out of the circle of light as FV does, who promptly disappears due to Hide in Plain Sight and a stupid high stealth mod; Jake and BW consider this running away and out of game decide to kill FV when they find his treacherous ass. They find him soon. There are four tunnels running in the cardinal directions in the hall, with three seemingly collapsed. Between each two tunnels is an elaborate shrine of sorts, though three seem mostly destroyed. The last one is intact and has a gigantic statue of the Dwarven god Mordin, and from his shield comes a faint glow.
FV goes straight for the statue and the glow, and when he gets there stops hiding and becomes visible to those with dark vision. Veldi leads them over. BW tells FV he ran and FV denies it and they put their differences behind them peacefully. Really. For now anyway. On Mordin's shield they see a large dusty gem, about the size of a fist, imbedded in the shield and it seems to glow faintly. FV realizes that is what he came for, but the party stops him from taking it, reasoning it's not a good idea to piss of whatever is here besides the spiders until they are ready to leave. They're familiar with how this "archaeology" shit works.
Speaking of spiders, the party investigates the one non-collapsed passage. They climb a staircase up to the opening and find web, lots of web around the doorway and on the floor. Just might be what they are looking for. The party gets ready and sends the undead in first with commands to attack on sight, which is difficult due to the strands of web everywhere... only Gurg notices something deeper into the room and he charges and is hit with a blast of web. Initiative!
The undead move into the room and break Gurg out while multiple Ashborne Arachnae descend from the walls and columns of the room to join battle. The living dawdle a bit near the entrance of the room except for Jake, BW, and FV. Jake teleports BW with him into the room and they start slicing some arachnids. FV moves into the room and the web, thinking his Hide in Plain Sight will protect him (touching the web, so it won't) and looks around. Clutches of eggs, everywhere. Thousands maybe. Looking up toward the vaulted ceiling, more web, more darkness, and lots of hanging cocoon looking things. Wait, why is the wall above the doorway all squiggly? And that's when the two amped up spider swarms (1d4 str poison, higher DCs, higher HP, intelligence: The benefits of being baby Ashborne Arachnae) swarm their way down the walls and into the entry way.
Eww spiders! Phox2 and Beltin backtrack and Veldi, riding her giant undead lizard, advances into the room. Once she is in a large blast of web seals the doorway behind her, and the brood mother descends into the fray. Right next to Veldi, who promptly gets bitten for 12 strength damage and goes unconscious. Well shit. Trapped outside with his archers and Phox2, Beltin does some bard song and they stand impotently at the web trying to figure out what to do before deciding on casting Spark and waiting several rounds for the web to burn up... it doesn't occur to them until a few rounds later to have the archers attack the web and break it, but when they do they see the brood mother and the swarms engaged with all of the living party members while the undead mostly fight more spiders.
One of the archers gets a full round off and mostly misses due to the brood mother's 31 AC and then Phox2 reseals the whole with more web, correctly deducing that the DM was about to swarm their asses again. BW and Jake engage the beast but improbably manage to avoid the 2d8 strength poison to the DM's disappointment, and then FV jumps on the back of one of the large undead fighting the brood mother and gets in a good stab. Already hurt, when he does so the beast screams the kind of scream you can only hear in your head (bitches love psionics) and the whole party feel some nosebleeds coming on. And now a good portion of the eggs are shaking violently, as though those that are mature enough heard their mothers call and are trying to come to her aid. Oh shit... and who knows how far that call went out.
Jake has had enough of the motherfucking spiders in the motherfucking cavern and teleports around with Damnation Stride; fire erupts all around the brood mother, the swarms, and his allies as he explodes around her stabbing repeatedly. She shakes off the fire and the swarms put up a valiant effort before burning into nothing. The last of the lesser spiders in the room heeds its mother's call and rushes away from the undead it was holding at bay and sinks its fangs into BW. Too little too late. It gets cut up and then, desperately fighting for life or at least someone to die with it, the brood mother falls as well. The eggs continue to shake ominously and some begin to crack; Jake, remembering his previous commitment to having enough of the motherfucking spiders, blasts them into oblivion.
As not all of the eggs were at the hatching stage, BW finds a large clutch of several hundred or so that weren't shaking and takes them and then the rest are destroyed: Genocide mostly complete. Eventually he seals the eggs in an alchemical apparatus with air holes and they make one of the undead carry it. Veldi and everyone get some strength back from Beltin and then everyone remembers what every last person had forgotten: Beltin had cast Communal Delay Poison on everyone before leaving the surface. Well shit. No, you're not getting a retcon.
No casualties and Ding! Level 10.