Days passed in game: 52
Longest living streak by sessions: Beltin/BW (13 sessions)
Longest living streak by days: Beltin (43 days)
Longest running character: Beltin (20 sessions, 52 days)
PC deaths: 12
Minion deaths: 10
- Undead: 4
- Greed Elementals: 6
Self-defense kills: 3
Total murders: 19
- Nobodies: 8
- Crusaders, Important: 3
- Crusaders, Grunts: 6
- Trade Consortium affiliated: 2
- Lucky Fjorks: 1
"Lawful executions:" 8
"Dishonorable" duels: 1
Species doomed to extinction by party: 1
Cult related ritual murders: 2
Acts of terrorism: 1
Kidnapped: 12
Trust level: High
- Yohann Kreshman, mercenary drill sergeant
- Roringard, Top student and squad leader
- Samar, Bard's Gate ambassador
- The Greed Elementals, Jake's guild
Lucky Fjork- Deceased
Trust level: Moderate
- The Church of Nerull: Father Death, Augustine, unnamed acolyte
- Skeriber's Rangers: Skeriber, Georgia, Joe, Jim, et al.
- Clantock's assassins
- Mama Grim, senile hag alchemist
- The Smith, master craftsman and warrior
Lucky's remaining girls: Margret and Shana- New life in Bard's Gate
Trust level: Low
- Vol, magically bound evil outsider - Controlled, but hostile
The Margoyles- Alliance unconsummatedMarcus, Trade Consortium agent- Awaiting sacrifice, most likely dead by now
Trust level: Potential/Ambiguous
- The Usurer - Unknown agenda, uses people as pawns
- The Crusade - Glory has been accepted as a divine messenger, but still has limited power within the organization
- Tyrian Ladimore, crusade commander - Distrusts the party besides Glory, but does not deny its usefulness
- Tarl, the sheriff - Fanatically loyal to the law, i.e. The Usurer
- Horace, cleric of Thyr and high ranking Crusader - BW Friend; unfamiliar with party
- Rinswald, head of crusade strategical deployments - High ranking crusader party contact; bought one of Beltin's mansions
- Otto, proprietor of Otto's Only Dropped Once Discount Emporium - BW shady business associate
- The Hospitality Guild: Bartholomew Weyend, Floyd, et al. - Not actively hostile anymore
- Daniel Edgeworth, corrupt bureaucrat of Thyr - The one who through his indifference essentially let the party hijack biological weapons
Sworn enemies
- The Bender brothers: 1?
- Every last remaining Ashborne Arachnid
- The Shalemace Clan (The descendents of the lich King Kroma)
- The Trade Consortium (BW's former employers and enemy of the Hospitality Guild)
- The Tower of Weeping Sores
- Any surviving members of the Burning Eye (Bard's Gate street gang)
Clantock's assassins: 3- AppeasedLucius Desticus Caepio- DeceasedMaimed, poker-playing gunman- Only hostile with former PC, Tarl the sheriffBW's girl- Deceased