Saturday, May 31, 2014

5.2: "Lawfully" executed

Dramatis Personae

Beltin (Aasimar Dirge Bard/Cleric 8).

Bradley Weatherby (Human Dervish Dancer 8/Knife Master Rogue 7/Duelist 1).

Obnoxiously Long Name, aka Mac (not his real name besides the nickname, but he kept his sheet and his name was made to be ridiculously long and pretentious sounding; Ranger / Inquisitor 8).

Tarl (Aasimar Inquisitor 8 / Paladin 8).

"Lawfully" executed, Session 5.2 - 5/24/14

Day 8. The party gathers (Mac wakes up robbed and stinking in the gutter) and begin to head out of the Bender Brothers Inn when Tarl approaches them and asks if they require another stalwart soul in their quest for truth, justice, and such. Beltin's response: "Well yeah... about that." To paraphrase the rest: "Surprise! I'm a necromancer!" Tarl asks if he's evil. He says he is not.

Good enough, says Tarl and he joins the party. Yay! As they leave they have some small talk about the inn and its service, but notice how they always seem to get ill while there. They figure it must be from eating so much rich food after days of nothing but trail rations.

BW, Tarl, and Beltin go to see Samar at the Bard's Gate "embassy" (what appears to have been someone's office with all sorts of finery including a well made mahogany desk, tapestries, and rug, except transported to the back of a large covered wagon) to find Samar waiting for them and actually happy. He greets BW right away ignoring the rest and goes on about how the hostage (who was charmed by BW by the way) told him about how he mostly single-handedly rescued him from the creatures in the Chaos Rift and then slew some sort of mad four-armed fiend from the Abyss (Bol) that was going to consume him and then the rest of the Camp and perhaps the world.

He shakes BW's hand vigorously as he tells him this and then releases his hand and beams at him, telling him that he has done a great service for Bard's Gate. At this point Beltin steps forward and Samar seems even happier. Ah, he's with you, he says, I thought you were surely lost to the Desolation. Beltin tells him fortunately that isn't the case, but about that contract.

Samar pulls out the promised mad loot from his bottom right drawer (which the party sees is actually a safe): 500 plat (Glira, the silent NPC partner, takes her cut first and then leaves to enjoy her time as an occasional NPC seen in Camp; it didn't really affect how much you got, should you be a player in this game reading this). The party then brings forth the loot from the caravan that was Bard's Gate property, but tells Samar unfortunately the creatures seemed to have a taste for fine wine so some bottles are missing.

Quite all right, quite all right, says Samar, but bringing back the hostage and being so honest here with these goods when so many others here in Camp would have robbed me blind, I wish I could offer you a bonus, but right now I am tapped out until the next Bard's Gate shipment arrives.

Beltin points out the chest of money they recovered and says well there is that and rolls diplomacy. Samar is all for it and pushes it toward them, thanking them again for their service. Yay, more loot!

While Beltin talks, BW is working on a letter to the trade consortium explaining about the Bender Brothers and how they could be a good investment. He finishes and has Samar add it to his outgoing mail (into the safe it goes), but it won't be sent for until the next official courier from Bard's Gate arrives, says Samar.

BW then asks about the Benders but Samar says (truthfully) he doesn't know anything except they run a rather quaint inn from what he heard (he can never visit as he is always required in the embassy, he explains, stretching in his rather nice chair behind his desk) and that Bender is a shortened version of their real name no one can pronounce. People in town don't like to gossip about them, adds Samar as an afterthought, so they must be very well respected.

That's all very good, says Beltin, but we have some more news... and he explains about Clantock. Samar is very interested and immediately asks for their services again; though they would need to wait for payment, they would be true allies of Bard's Gate should they intercede on the city's behalf in this matter.

He pulls out some forms, fills them out, signs, and then stamps it with Bard's Gate seal. Behold, an official writ of execution for Clantock and his Furious Fourteen! He hands them to Beltin... and then hems and haws about how maybe he should hold onto them and can present them as needed if the Camp denizens interfere (they are technically under the control of Bard's Gate, even if they and no one in Bard's Gate quite believe it).

Beltin takes no offense and hands them back, saying he knows it would be bad for Samar if Clantock found those if they failed. Samar thanks him for his understanding and tells him all he knows of Clantock ("The man is some sort of brutal savage, but he can supposedly cut his way through anything on a charge") and his men ("He is supposed to have four captains that are a cut above the rest, one hobgoblin and three orc, but the rest is essentially just loosely organized rabble, but they have some discipline from hobgoblin captain and a few others of his kin in the Fourteen.")

He also heard that they just arrived back in town and some are celebrating at the Sip of Blood.

So the party goes to the Sip of Blood and immediately see four orcs in matching blackened chain shirts with a 14 made of lightning bolts emblazoned on one shoulder; they are drinking heavily and involved in a poker game near the back with two townies (Campies?). BW and Tarl immediately make their way over and pretend to watch the game.

Beltin spies Lucky Fjork the same time and he sees him, and Fjork enthusiastically waves him over; it is such a joy to be understood. Fjork tells him he thought he was dead and it is good to see him, as he pours him a drink. Beltin refuses it, saying he's on business, but asks if he knows anything about the 14. Fjork can only tell him what Samar said, but point to the four in the back. Beltin then asks him about the Benders and Fjork becomes much less open. He says he doesn't know anything really that they already don't.

Beltin shows him the Decanter of Endless Grain alcohol the party took originally from Gurg and then Bol; Fjork clearly knows what this it. It's yours if you tell me, says Beltin, and Fjork makes a show of stretching and dropping his rag over the decanter before quickly pulling it back to him and stashing it under the bar.

So no one has ever seen them or caught them, but people go in and don't come out of the Benders', says Fjork. And then old Griswald, the "undertaker," (the sarcastic nature of the title is lost on Beltin as they haven't meant Griswald the literal ghoul yet) stops by at odd times and takes "things" away. No one who lives in the Camp will stay in the place, but some are paid to point well off travelers to it... like that's needed as it is the only inn in camp, adds Fjork.

At this point Beltin looks up and can guess what BW is about to do and tells Fjork there may be trouble. He gestures to the girls to back up and he sits down on the floor behind the bar. And then things escalate. BW suddenly steps forward and cuts a throat; 1/14.

There is surprised silence and stillness for a second as blood sprays all over the table and card players before everyone moves at the same time: The uninvolved locals duck for cover or escape out the back and front doors (batwings of course in the front), but the two townies at the table make sure to grab all bits then can off the table first; the three now truly furious members of the 14 jump up, ready to kill.

Beltin ducks and starts commanding his archers to come in; Tarl steps forward and makes the party's score 2/14. The fight commences but it quickly looks bad for the two remaining. The archers step in and Beltin tells them to stop or get fired upon. The healthier orc stands his ground and covers his friend who jumps over the bar for cover and is soon cut down for his troubles. The last tries to escape but dies too.

Time in Camp: 36 hours. Self-defense kills: 1. Murders: 2. Maimings: 2. "Lawful executions:" 4.

Fjork stands up and looks around his bar, obviously annoyed by the state of his establishment but not at all surprised. He looks at Beltin and Beltin know he will end up paying the bill for this, but he has more important things to do. He begins casting Speak With Dead, and in the 10 minute time it takes no one comes back or seems to be approaching the bar.

No one in the party is checking but the wenches are and getting more and more concerned as they talk to Fjork. The party ignores them. Beltin speaks with one of the dead orcs who they quickly realize is an unhelpful ass even in undeath and after failing his Will save. They learn nothing new from him and then begin wondering how they will assault the merc group's "clubhouse" on the edge of the Camp. They step out, archers in front and learn that won't be necessary. The street is deserted except for one, and that one is obviously Clantock.

He is obviously barely controlling his rage as he sees them and asks who they think they are assaulting his 14. Beltin, from within the safety of the bar still, denounces him for selling out the caravans to the creatures in the Desolation. Clantock is supremely unconcerned with this news being public and asks him, "So?" It occurs to Beltin that none of the locals would care, the same way they don't care about the Benders' side business. Silence... and then combat.

The rest of the 14 (besides the four conspicuously missing captains) stand up from their spots on the roofs of nearby building and fire their bows (poor tactical choice as they were made for melee, but poor DMs make poor choices). Clantock charges and nearly destroys one of the archers and wounds Tarl (Barbarian / Scout Rogue 10 now for Clantock... pounce and sneak attack off charging, oh yeah).

The undead try to attack both the archers and Clantock, and the hydra begins scaling the closest building to go for archers. Mac, who isn't there in player but is being played by BW's, runs into the middle of the street and hits all the archers with Blistering Invective... and all are now demoralized and one is burning. They decide killing him will make them feel better and they all shoot... and miss. The burning one stops, drops, and rolls... right off the roof onto the street below.

At this point three captains make themselves known, right from the roof of the Sip of Blood. Two land on either side of Tarl, sneak attacking and greater dirty tricking him with blindness and sickening him (spun his helmet the wrong way and then sucker punch to the kidneys through a weak spot on the armor). Tarl fixes both with a standard action and Lay on Hands (so near death).

The third captain swings through the batwing doors from the roof like a badass and punches Beltin in the face with some sort of ball with dust on it. Roll versus poison? Failed? Excellent. 1 con drain with several more con damage to follow makes Beltin a sad panda, who then goes invisible to escape his would be killer.

Then Clantock finally goes down (Dr 5/- and 200 HP later) and it is clear the cause is lost to his 14. The rest on the roof tops who were getting ready to finally charge into melee instead charge the opposite direction. One of the captains who is near dead stays and attacks Tarl again and his friend next to him retreats out the back door along with the one who poisoned Beltin.

The captain still the fray yells out "Do it!" and the party wonders do what? And then they know. The last captain on the roof gives a parting shot, a blast of Dust of Sneezing and Choking. Beltin is inside and shielded from it, but Bol, BW, and Mac take it; Bol and BW makes it and are stunned for the next 14 rounds, but Mac... he has 14 con.

I tell BW's player to roll the damage so that he can be responsible for the death if it happens. And... 13 con damage. Still alive though he wishes he were dead! Some undead try to follow the escaping assassins, but they quickly escape. The hydra and archers (now using claws) take down the two remaining Clantock mooks on the ground who couldn't get away; the archers shred one and the hydra is about to crush the other one when Beltin commands it to bring him back alive.

The man in question can't wait to talk. With Clantock dead the men in his command are done; they had no real say in the deal with the spitters, but didn't really care. They were only loyal to money. But the captains... they were loyal to Clanotck, and acted as his assassins. The party should watch their back says the captured merc. He then rips the 14 off his shoulder and says that since they obviously no longer need him he will be going. And then Tarl commits a lawful execution on him.

Time in Camp: 36 hours, 30 minutes. Self-defense kills: 1. Murders: 2. Maimings: 2. "Lawful executions:" 8. Sworn enemies of: at least 3.

People begin to mill about the street again, including some adventuring sorts, and murmur about what just happened, but none approach the party. Beltin casts Speak With Dead on the dead assassin and they learn that they will seek vengeance (the dead one says he will be seeing Beltin in hell soon and can't wait) and reveals one of their meeting spots.

Note, one of them, hence forcing Beltin to use more questions to ask about the others. He gets the assassin to reveal the one they would be heading for, which is near the mountains to the West, but they decide not to follow as the dead assassin told them quite willingly and with a hint of a laugh. After their conversation, the party decides to point anyone they really need dead in that direction and that they never will go that way themselves.

The party heals up and restores some constitution right in the middle of the street (Beltin was at 11 con base, so 1 drain means he doesn't even care). They then wonder about selling some of this loot they have... yeah... DING! LEVEL 9!

1 Casualty: Bol. Cause of Death: A poorly worded wish and party members who don't miss you.